When: Saturday, May 23, 2025 from 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Where: St Bede Catholic Church
3686 Ironbound Road
Williamsburg, Virginia 23188
Tentative Agenda:
8:00AM - Registration; coffee, tea, light breakfast refreshments
9:30AM - Welcome & Introductions
Morning Prayers - please bring your Pilgrim’s Guide
10:00AM - Spiritual Meditation
10:45AM - Rollo in Language Groups/Sharing (Presidente El Salvador Cursillo)
11:45AM - Lunch
12:45AM - Multi-language Rosary
1:15PM - Rollo in Language Groups/Sharing (NACG Representative to the OMCC)
2:30PM - Ultreya
4:00PM - Holy Mass
5:00PM - Light Dinner - (Stay or take with you)
REGISTRATION: Donation- $45
Registration deadline is April 18th
Please send a check payable to Cursillos in Christianity English Region 2 to:
Terri DiBacco
4317 Continental Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112
or Venmo to @Theresa-DiBacco
Email your registration to roostersregion2@gmail.com.
Please include name, address, email, phone number, Diocese, and any dietary