Palanca is an action. It designates the spiritual force represented by voluntary prayers and sacrifices which are done individually or in community with the aim of obtaining the grace of conversion. Palanca is the prayer and sacrifice offered to God so that we, as apostles, may accomplish more than we would be capable of otherwise. Our Lord Himself said “Ask, and you shall receive.” (John 16:24). Your requests become that much more powerful when others are praying for you as well. Also, it is a truly divine form of charity to pray for others, especially for those most in need!
As Pope Gregory the Great once wrote “He causes his prayers to be of more avail to himself who offers them also for others.” In other words, as our Lord said in Luke’s Gospel, “Give and it shall be given to you.” (Luke 6:38) And, as a popular saying goes, “God cannot be outdone in generosity!”
Prayer is a beautiful, as well as an essential way to ask for Our Lord’s help and blessings. Even when God doesn’t answer our prayers as we’d like, He gives us the grace to cope with our troubles and tragedies better in any case.
Would you like our community to pray for you or your loved ones? Please feel free to share your prayer requests with us using the form below! You can include anyone you’d like, living or deceased. When requesting prayers use first names only, unless someone has asked specifically for prayers from the community and wants their full name given. Rest assured that we will keep your e-mail address confidential and will not sell or otherwise share it with anyone. You can give your name or an abbreviation if you wish.