What is the School of Leaders? The School of Leaders helps us to grow so that we can have the confidence and the tools to answer that call to leadership in our environments. Every Cursillista is called to become a leader in their environment in the way that God is calling them to be.
SOL - School of Leaders ... Food for the body, food for the mind, food for the spirit.
Get closer.....Get closer.....Get closer.....to Jesus. Practice the TRIPOD: Piety, Study, Action! JOIN SOL! Know what Cursillo is and Why!
We are members of Philadelphia Archdiocese parishes who have attended a Cursillo weekend and are fulfilling a promise to be in a lifelong commitment of piety, study, and action in our Catholic faith. Deacon Harry Tucker is the assistant advisor for our School Of Leaders program.
The word "Cursillo" means "Short Course." The longer version of Cursillo is "Cursillo de Christianidad," or "Short Course in Christianity." This movement came to Philadelphia 50 years ago, but originated in Spain long before, and has become a worldwide movement. Cursillistas are a group of people who are striving to support each other in living out their Christian faith in their everyday lives. The goal of Cursillo is to assist people of faith to "bloom where they are planted," and become more fully the unique person God created them to be.
To become a Cursillista, you first attend a Cursillo weekend. A Cursillo weekend begins on a Thursday evening and ends on Sunday. A team of 10-15 lay people and two spiritual directors (at least one of which is a Catholic priest) prepare and host the weekend for those attending. This "team" of Cursillistas gives talks on various aspects of Christian living and spirituality. Daily Mass is celebrated on the weekend, and time for prayer, study, reflection and fellowship is provided. Men's and women's weekends are held on separate weekends. All meals are provided and shared together.
There are also Group Reunions and Ultreyas where Cursillistas gather. These meetings are part of the 'study.' We call this School of Leaders or SOL.