The PreCursillo is the first of the three stages of the Cursillo Movement. In this stage the Cursillo Movement initiates the evangelizing process it must complete in order to accomplish its purpose.
The PreCursillo consists of:
It is the responsibility of every Cursillista to fill the role of Precursillo.
The Cursillo movement is a means of renewing and revitalizing the Church, one person at a time, through friendship. A plan for achieving this is presented on the weekend. Essential to the plan for continued growth toward God, is contact with Christ and with other committed Christians for sharing and mutual support. The key role in the movement is that of SPONSOR.
Being a sponsor is committing oneself to establishing friendships through
personal contact. This is an absolute necessity! The only way a sponsor can
interest a potential candidate to experience Cursillo, is through a personal witness of living a conscious and ever-growing life of Grace.The Cursillo gives them the desire and tools to bring Christ into their own environment and share Him with everyone around them.
The role of the sponsor in the Cursillo movement is twofold, and is always supported by Palanca throughout. First, a sponsor seeks appropriate people to encourage attending a Cursillo weekend. Second, a sponsor responds prayerfully to associates who volunteer to attend a Cursillo weekend. In short, to sponsor a Candidate is a significant commitment of energy and attention. Please do not take the responsibility lightly. As a sponsor, you assume considerable responsibilities, and you may be contacted to confirm that you understand them, and that you are prepared to fulfill them.
Checklist Prior to Selecting a Candidate:
Is my Candidate
Does my Candidate
If you are not in a Cursillo Group Reunion, you cannot, and should not, sponsor alone since this activity, and Ultreya, are such key components to the “ongoing program of sharing and mutual support,” and a primary goal of the 3-Day Weekend. You may, however, co-sponsor with a Cursillista who is in a Cursillo Group Reunion. If you have someone that is co-sponsoring with you, please have them complete the sponsor section.
Other Points to Remember:
a) Pray for guidance.
b) Spend time with your Candidate and explain the whole purpose of the Cursillo Movement, as well as the format of the weekend. Make sure they know it is not a retreat. Explain that Cursillo expects a Christian recommitment. While we do not want to give away surprises that make the weekend more meaningful, secrecy has no place in Cursillo.
c) Arrange transportation to and from the Cursillo weekend. Your candidate should not drive their own car. Offer to help the candidate with any family or home needs during their weekend. Make sure their family has your phone number and emergency number at the retreat center.
d) If you are working as a team member, ensure your responsibilities both to the team and to the candidate can be met. If not, enlist another Cursillista to help.
e) Know the goals and methods of Cursillo, and live the message of the weekend.
f) Encourage attendance of Cursillo Group Reunion and Ultreya. For one year after the weekend, you will help your new Cursillista to persevere by:
* A lack of funds should not discourage anyone from making a Cursillo 3-Day Weekend. If help is needed, please contact the Cursillo Treasurer. Inform the candidate that they will be asked to share in the minimum suggested donation of the weekend ($200). All requests will be kept in strict confidence.
g) Make sure the Candidate understands thee necessity of keeping distractions at a minimum i.e cell phone use, social media, email, texting, etc.
More information on sponsor guidelines can be found by clicking the following link
Candidate Application (pdf)